Coronavirus and UK homeworking numbers

How many people in the UK work from home? The ONS Fig 6 homeworkers by age has updated its research that includes data to December 2019. Although this does not include information following lockdown in March 2020, it provides a good base indicator.

All data source from the ONS Fig 6 homeworkers by age.

Rest of the World

Jonathan I. Dingel and Brent Neiman from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago have investigated “How many jobs can be performed at home?”. They say that they “estimate by identifying job characteristics that clearly rule out the possibility of working entirely from home, neglecting many characteristics that would make working from home difficult”, and come to the conclusion that “37 percent of U.S. jobs can plausibly be performed at home”. A link to their white page can be found below.


Main image: Based on Pixabay image, and amended
